Visibility restrictions can be set for Policy Type and/or Documents Types (such as policies, regulations, etc.).

Policy Type Screen

PublicPublic users can access documents within a Policy Type
Non-PublicAuthenticated users with appropriate permissions will be able to access documents within the policy type

Document Type Screen

  • When a policy type is set to public, a user will be able to set documents associated with the policy type as either public or private.
  • When a policy type is set to private, a user will be able to set documents associated with the policy type as either private or authorized users.

PublicDocuments can be accessed by any user who has access to the Policy Type
Note: If the Policy Type is set to private the documents created within it can only be set to Private or Authenticated Users.
PrivateDocuments can only be accessed by authenticated users with appropriate permission to view private documents
Authorized UsersUsers will be able to view documents with this visibility restriction if they have been granted the permission Access This Type for the policy type.
Note: This option is only available if a policy type is set to private.

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