Default Permission Sets Definition

Default Permissions Sets enable Gamut Administrators to define a set permissions that include ALL Gamut modules and then apply those permissions when creating or editing an individual’s user profile.

Default Permission Sets

There are 4 Default Permission Sets automatically defined. The Gamut Administrators can edit, rename or delete

  1. Staff
  2. Board Manager
  3. Management
  4. Gamut Administrator

Additional Default Permission Sets can be created by the GAMUT Administrator

How to Create Default Permission Sets

  1. Hover over the More tab
  2. Go to the User Administration Sets tab
  3. Click on the Default Permission Sets Tab
  4. Click on Add New Default Permission Set Group

5. Select the
6. Click Save and Close

Review /Update Permission Sets
Updating the default permission set DOES NOT CHANGE the permissions for users that already exist.

The default permission sets are only applied when creating a new user OR during the update process of an existing user

  1. Hover over the MORE tab
  2. Go to the user User Administration Screen
  3. Click on the Default Permissions Sets
  4. Click on the Edit pencil icon
  5. Review permissions for all members of the group across all modules
  6. Save and Close

How to Apply Default Permission Set to a User

  1. Hover over the More tab
  2. Go to the User Administration Screen
  3. Locate the User’s name and click on the Permission Icon
  4. Select an option below to assign user permissions / Apply default permission set
  5. Click on the permission set from the list of options

6. Save and Close

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