An admin can skip a user in a workflow so that the next step or person in the step is immediately granted access to the item. A user can be skipped on or within a step on the meeting agenda item, the My Items screen, and the Agenda Workflow screen.

How to Skip a User on a Workflow

  1. Click on the agenda item
  2. Click on Workflow to view the steps
  3. If a user has not yet reviewed the item, click on the Pending or Waiting status to show the Skip option

Note: If multiple users are on a step, you can click on Skip under their step box. The admin user in the final step cannot be skipped in a workflow.

  1. Once a user is skipped, they will be notified by email and their status will display as skipped next to their name

Note: Go to the page Agenda Workflow Screen for more information on workflow statuses

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