Users with Meetings module permissions will be able to access the My Items screen when they hover over the Meetings tab. The My Items page provides a view of all meeting items where you are a workflow contributor, or items that you have created/submitted for an agenda. The tabs sort the items corresponding to their status in the workflow.

Below are two breakdowns of the information displayed on the screen.

NumberColumn TitleDescription
1Select UserOnly visible to admins. The Select User drop-down allows an admin user to view the My Items screen for a selected user. Admins will be able to skip, notify, delete, or edit/manage the agenda item.
2Get help with this page Link will provide an overview of the information on the screen.
3PendingItems that are “Pending” are in your queue for update or review. Once you have marked the item as reviewed, it will advance to the next step in the meeting workflow.
 4UpcomingThe Upcoming tab displays items that have been assigned to you but have not advanced to your step in the Workflow. Once the item moves to your step, it will display in the “Pending” folder for update or review.
5 SubmittedThe Submitted tab displays items created using ‘Add New Item’ and are submitted to a meeting admin for inclusion on a future agenda.
6ReviewedThe Reviewed tab displays items that you have marked as reviewed but have not completed the workflow.
These items may be viewed but not edited. To edit a reviewed item, you must request edit access. If edit access is granted the item will be returned to your Pending item tab and will continue to follow the subsequent workflow.
7CompletedThe Completed tab displays items that have completed all the workflow steps. To edit a completed item, you must request edit access, and a meeting administrator can send it back to you. If approved by the meeting administrator, the item will return to you in your Pending items. Upon completion of your edits and marking the
item as reviewed again, the item will advance through the workflow.
NumberColumn TitleDescription
1Add New ItemClick to add a new item to submit to a current or future agenda.
2SelectMass select agenda items/workflows to delete.
3DateDate the meeting is being held
 4Meeting TitleTitle of the meeting agenda
5Item TitleTitle of the agenda item
6WorkflowVisual display of the workflow on the item
Note: Clicking on the blue plus sign next to the steps will expand the workflow.
7Meeting TypeMeeting type that the meeting agenda is associated to.

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