Learn more about using an iPad to access your meeting agendas.

More and more people are starting to use devices like the Apple iPad to access information online.  The iPad can be a great tool for many reasons including its ease of use and its long battery life.  Board members are finding that the iPad is a great tool to use when preparing for meetings and for use during the meetings because, unlike laptop computers, they find that the iPad can be less obtrusive during the meeting itself.

For this and other reasons, eBOARDsolutions has developed an app for the iPad called Simbli.

The Meetings app for the iPad is available through Apple’s online App Store.  The app is a free download.  The Simbli Meetings app enables board members, staff, and public to access meeting agendas and packets on an iPad.

Key Features
  • Access to multiple meeting types
  • Note-taking for those with “sticky notes” permissions
  • Simple search tool to quickly find information contained in current or prior meeting agendas
  • Access to public or internal meeting agendas and item details depending upon user permissions
  • Ability to flag specific system sites or meeting types as “favorites” for quicker access
  • Alignment of agenda items to goals in strategic plan

How to Log into the Simbli App:

  1. Download the meetings app from the App store
  2. Click on All Sites
  3. Search for your state
  4. Select your site
  5. Click on Login and enter your username and password
  6. Click Login at top right of screen

NOTE: When logging into Simbli you have the option to allow Simbli to remember your login credentials. On the login page, slide the Remember Me indicator to the right to enable the feature. 

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