How to Do an Advanced Search

Doing an advanced search allows users to not only search their own Gamut site but other Gamut sites in their state. Note: The ability to search other Gamut sites is not currently available to all Gamut customers.

  1. Click on ‘Search’, located in the upper right-hand corner; the search box will expand
  2. Click the Advanced Search link

3. On the Advanced Search screen type in the keyword(s)

4. Select the Policies tab

5. Choose to search My Policies or Other Gamut Site

Note: To search other Simbli sites, check the checkbox. Currently, not all Simbli sites have the ability to search other Simbli sites. If your site does not have the

6. Click Submit

7. Search results will display

Note: A list of Gamut sites will display. Click on the name to expand the tab and see the search results.

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