How to View a Rescinded HTML Document
- Hover over the Policies tab
- Click on the name of a Policy Type
- On the Policy Listing screen click on the Status column to display filter options
- Check the Rescind box
Note: By default, rescinded policies are not displayed unless manually selected to. - Click on the title of the rescinded document to view content
Note: To view past versions of documents, click on the history icon.
How to Recover a Rescinded Document
If a user needs to recover a rescinded document or code, they will need to add a new document using the rescinded code to add it back into their manual. The steps below will show how to view the past entered content should it need to be copy/pasted.
- Hover over the Policies tab
- Click on the name of a Policy Type
- Sort Status by Rescind on the Policy Listing Screen
- Click on the title of the rescinded document
- Copy the content
- Follow the steps here on how to add a new document
- Once a new document has been created, use Control + Shift + V to paste content
- Click Save and Close to save a draft
How to Delete a Rescinded HTML Document
- Hover over the Policies tab
- Click on the name of a Policy Type
- Sort Status by Rescind on the Policy Listing screen
- Click on the title of the rescinded document
- Click on the trashcan

6. A pop-up box will appear that states “Are you sure you want to delete this version?
7. Click Ok
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