A user will be able to customize their printed policy type manual. Follow the steps below on how to navigate to the print policies screen and a breakdown of the available options.

How to Print a Meeting Packet with Supporting Documents

  1. Navigate to policy type listing screen
  2. Click on the Print icon
  3. The Print Policies page will open in a new window
  4. Choose your settings and sections
  5. When finished, click the Print icon
  6. PDF will generate and open according to browser settings

Print Settings
Include certain options when printing your Policy Type manual

Include Document TypesDocument types associated to Policy Type
Include StatusDrop-down menu with document status
Note: Only documents with the chosen status will print
Filter by DateFilter to print documents that meet a set date criteria
Note: You can filter by Last Revised Date, Original Adopted Date, or Last Reviewed Date
Include FootnotesInclude footnotes associated to the document
Include Supporting DocumentsPrint supporting documents attached to a document
Include Table of ContentsInclude a list of documents titles and their corresponding page number
Include Page NumbersInclude page numbers on the lower-right side of all pages
Include Printed Date & TimeInclude the date and time in the upper-right corner of all title pages
Include Inline CommentsInclude created inline comments on all documents containing them
Include WatermarkCustom text (25 max characters) watermark displayed on all pages
Include Footer TextCustom text (250 max characters) footer displayed on all pages
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