How to Edit a Footnote

  1. Hover over the Policies Tab
  2. Click on Policy Type Administration
  3. Click on the Footnote icon for the policy type you are working with
  4. On the Footnote screen, click on the pencil to edit the type, footnote, description, and/or url
  5. When finished, click Save and Close

How to Delete a Code

  1. Hover over the Policies Tab
  2. Click on Policy Type Administration
  3. Click on the Footnote icon for the policy type you are working with
  4. On the Footnote screen, click on the trash can to delete a footnote

    Note: You will not be able to delete a footnote that has documents associated with it. You will first need to dissociate the footnote from a code.
  5. Confirming deletion by clicking Okay on the pop-up

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