A user with permission to Administer This Type for a policy type and Manage Codifications will have access to the codifications. On this screen, they have the following options available to them.

Number | Column Title | Description |
1 | Add/Edit Section | Click to create, edit, and delete sections |
2 | Sections | Click on sections to view, edit, add, and delete corresponding sections’ codes |
3 | Edit | Pencil icon will allow you to edit the code number and title Note: Both the code identifier and name can be edited if the code is in use. Changing a code will change the codes for all active and historical documents. |
4 | Delete | Trash can icon will allow you to delete a code Note: You will not be able to delete a code that has documents associated to it. You will first need to delete the documents and then the code. HTML documents need to be rescinded and then deleted. PDF documents need to be deleted. |
5 | Code | Identifier that documents can be associated to |
6 | Description | Title associated to a code |
7 | Footnotes & Cross-Reference | Displays the number of footnotes and cross-references associated with a code. Note: The number can be clicked on to view the associated items. |
8 | In Use | Will show yes or no if the code is in use Note: Will show Yes if there are any drafts and/or adopted/approved documents. |
9 | Codification Settings | Setting for codifications. Users can manage sections, import/update codification, and export existing codes |
10 | Add New Code | Click to add a new code to for a section Note: User can click on section first and then click on add a new code. |
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