There are two ways to add a new regulation — from your Work In Progress or from a code section:

How to Add a New Regulation From Your Work in Progress
  1. Click on Add New Policy link
  2. Select document type as Regulation
  3. Select the descriptor code from the drop down list
  4. Click Submit
  5. On a new screen, type or copy/paste regulation information
  6. Click Save and Close, the draft regulation will remain in your Work in Progress

How to Add a New Regulation From a Policy Section
  1. Click on the Policy tab
  2. Select a section by clicking on it in the left column
  3. Click on Add New Policy link
  4. Choose your document type
  5. Choose your descriptor code from the dropdown list
  6. Click Submit
  7. On a new screen, type or copy/paste regulation information
  8. Click Save and Close, the draft regulation will remain in your Work in Progress
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