The meetings listing screen displays all meetings on your GAMUT site. The content displayed on this screen can be edited or filtered to show specific results.
Below is a breakdown of the information displayed on the screen.

Number | Column Title | Description |
1 | Header | Click on the pencil to edit information that will be display to both the public and authorized users when accessing the screen. A full HTML editor is available for content input. |
2 | Add New Meeting | Click to add a new meeting to the GAMUT site. |
3 | Upcoming/Prior | Click on upcoming or prior to display meeting agendas that have a future date (upcoming) or meetings that were already held (prior). This will apply a filter that sorts all meetings displayed on the meeting listing screen, regardless of their meeting type. |
4 | Legend | Display the meaning of the colors used on in the listing.Published (white background) meetings indicates that the meeting has been available online for the public and/or authorized users. Unpublished (yellow background) meetings indicated that the meeting is still being worked on and has not yet been available to the public and/or authorized users. |
5 | Date-Time | Displays the date and the time of the meeting. Filter Option: Input two dates to display meetings that fall within the chosen date range. |
6 | Meeting Title | Displays the title of the meeting agenda. Filter Option: Display meetings that have key words or phrases in their title. |
7 | Minutes | Indicates if meeting minutes have be been published. Filter Option: Only display meetings with published or unpublished minutes. |
8 | Meeting Type | Displays the meeting type the agenda is associated to. Filter Option: Choose one or more meeting types to display only the agendas that are associated to them. |
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