Make your agenda items come alive for attendees.
When an agenda item is created, users will have the choice to add fields for the item. These chosen fields will help to support the particular item that will be discussed or reviewed. A list of the all agenda item fields and their descriptions is listed below.
Agenda Item Fields
Field | Description |
Alternatives | List alternatives to the proposed items |
Contacts | List contact(s) responsible for agenda item |
Custom1 | Customizable field that can be used in agendas |
Custom2 | Customizable field that can be used in agendas |
Custom3 | Customizable field that can be used in agendas |
Custom4 | Customizable field that can be used in agendas |
Custom5 | Customizable field that can be used in agendas |
Details | Enter details about agenda item |
Financial Impact | List items impacting agenda item |
Goals | Select district goals that relate to agenda item |
Implementation Date | Date of implementation |
Meeting Minutes | Attach past meeting minutes to agenda item |
Policies | Select policies to attach to agenda item |
Quick Summary/Abstract | Short summary of agenda item |
Rationale | Reason for request of approval on agenda item |
Recommendation | Recommendation on how the Board would vote |
Summary | Brief statement or account of main points |
Supporting Documents | Attach supporting documents i.e. Word, Excel, PDF documents |
Why are Agenda Item Fields so Important?
Here are some reasons why using agenda item fields are beneficial to running an efficient meeting and keeping your attendees informed:
- Ease of Viewing Agenda. Using item fields allows viewers to easily overview the topic or item at hand.
- Ease of Searching. This searchable archive for agenda items will save time for anyone needing information on current or past agendas.
- Ease of Taking Minutes. If you use the Recommendations field for Action Items, the contents of this field can be added to your meeting minutes with a simple click of a button and edited as needed.
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