Using an electronic agenda system has many advantages over traditional paper copies.
Viewing the Agenda During a Board Meeting or Other Meeting Types
During a board meeting, some board members may want to follow the agenda using their own laptop computers. However, a computer can be attached to a projector so that the agenda and agenda items being discussed are view-able to the public.
Larger and Smaller Font Sizes
You have the ability to choose a font size that best fits your reading needs. By default, the page is set to display the middle font option. By clicking on the smaller or larger A, displayed on the top-right corner of the screen, you will be able to select a different font size. You can return to the original or default font size by clicking on the middle font option.
Recording Minutes, Motions, and Votes
The meetings administrator or minute-taker can take minutes live during the meeting. Record who motioned and seconded the motion and the voting of any agenda item. If the Recommendations field is used for meeting agenda item, the recommendation can be inserted into minutes with a simple click.
Immediate Access to Last-Minute Changes
If there is a need to make any last minute changes to an agenda, no worries. The meetings administrator can make the change and everyone has those changes immediately. No more running to the copier at the last minute.
Taking Notes During the Meeting
Everyone with permissions to take Sticky Notes can access these notes for individual meeting items taken prior to the meeting and add more notes as required during the meeting. Notes can be taken on any computer or even an iPad.
Need Something from a Prior Agenda?
You can access a prior meeting agenda and all of its contents in seconds. This can help you get questions answered quickly.
Searching for something?
GAMUT’s search engine allows you to search by keyword through all of your meetings, a select group of meetings, or a date range to quickly find what you are looking for.