Trouble viewing this email? Click here »Coronavirus update: Gov. Newsom issued stay-at-home order for state of California; CSBA to offer expanded COVID-19 resources page, distribute survey to identify LEA challenges, and launch an FAQ submission toolGov. Gavin Newsom issued a stay-at-home order for the entire state of California during a press conference at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 19, 2020. The Governor urged Californians to shelter-in -place, avoid nonessential errands and practice social distancing. Despite this announcement, critical functions of education outlined in the Governor’s previous executive order are still in effect and staff needed to perform those functions are exempt from the new statewide stay-at-home mandate. The bottom line for LEAs is to proceed as you have been until new information dictates otherwise. About one-quarter of California’s residents were already operating under shelter-in-place orders issued by county authorities. The Governor’s announcement extended those measures statewide. Although Gov. Newsom offered no special guidance for schools in his announcement, CSBA continues to research questions from local education agencies and advocate for increased support to school districts and county offices of education. At 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 20, CSBA will introduce a suite of tools and resources at that are designed to provide LEAs with critical information and support our advocacy work on behalf of schools. Specifically:On Friday, March 20, CSBA will unveil an expanded COVID-19 resources page with scores of new resources on subjects including student health and wellbeing, remote and distance learning, students with disabilities and special needs, multilingual education, support for parents and families, meals and nutrition services, and pressing legal issues.Tonight, we distributed a short survey designed to identify the most significant challenges LEAs face in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and possible measures to mitigate these issues. The information from this survey will aid in our advocacy for California schools.Finally, on Friday, March 20, CSBA will debut an FAQ submission tool which members can use to present questions or suggestions related to COVID-19. We will use this online feedback form to develop an FAQ and to supplement the information we receive in the survey. In closing, we encourage all CSBA members to sign up for CSBA’s text service by texting CSBA4Kids to 52886 or by completing this opt-in form. During this time of rapidly changing circumstances, the immediacy of CSBA text messages offers an easy and convenient way to stay abreast of developments related to K-12 schools. Please note that messages will come from the number at 52886 which you can save in your phone contacts as “CSBA Texts” or something similar so you recognize the message is from a known entity. Thank you for all that you are doing to care for and educate students during a time of great tumult and uncertainty. In this time of crisis, we are redoubling our efforts to support and advocate for California public schools and our 6.2 million students. California School Boards Association | 3251 Beacon Blvd., West Sacramento, CA 95691 Phone: (800) 266-3382 | Fax: (916) 371-3407 Website | Privacy Policy |